Ep 45 - The Hague: Judgement on the Nations (Avodah Zara 2a)
00:00 - Intro (Announcement)
You are listening to Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe of TORCH in Houston, Texas. This is the Thinking Talmudist Podcast.
00:13 - Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe (Host)
Good afternoon. Welcome back to the Thinking Talmudist Podcast. It is so wonderful to see everyone here. We are going to take a little break of our discussion that we've had our discussion that we've had every week about the Messiah, and we're going to jump to a different topic that I think is very, very important for us to discuss, particularly in our generation, in our time that we're in right now. I think it's critically important for us to learn the following Talmud Now today, as many of you know, in the Hague there was a court case brought by South Africa against the people of Israel. It was a case where they're saying that Israel is violating international laws and that they're being too forceful against the Palestinians and Hamas and Gaza and whatever nonsense that they're spilling there. It reminded me of this Talmud that we are going to study today.
I think it is critically important that we understand the framework of this world. What is really going on here and why is God placing these situations in front of us specifically at this time Now? We talked previously that we're dealing with the times of the coming of Messiah. In the times of the coming of Messiah, we talked about the travails of Messiah, the challenges that the people are going to face prior to the coming of Messiah. So now the question is why is God bringing about these scenarios and situations which seem unnecessary? The war can go on without this whole case in the Hague. The world can continue to operate without all of these demonstrations by these pro-Palestinians. You know, free Gaza from the river to the sea, all of these Columbia harvored anti-Semites and all of that. The world can function very, very nicely without it. The world can function without it. The Jewish people can succeed without it. So why is it necessary? Why is this even happening? And I think it's important for us to discuss this so we get a frame of mind of how Hashem operates in this world, why Hashem is doing this to us. Why is Hashem doing this to the nations of the world? It's not as simple as you think, and if you're thinking about these questions that I'm asking you like, what's the problem? What do you mean?
Listen to what the Talmud says. The Gomorrah cites an agotic teaching which expounds the verse that was mentioned previously about the nations of the world. Doreh Shraabchanin Bar Papa expounded in this Talmud page 2A in Traktate Avodazara, and it continues on to 2B and to 3A. It's a long Talmud La'asid l'avo. In the future, me, via kodeshborchus, seifetoro umenicho bechheiko ve'omer, the Holy One, the Almighty God, creator of Heaven and Earth, will take a Torah scroll and hold it close to his chest and declare Lemisha osak be'yavvau ve'yitol sechora. Whoever occupied himself with this Torah, the Torah that we study, the laws that we learned here at this desk, in this classroom, on these podcasts, in these videos, whoever studied Torah, come and receive your reward. Me yad meskam tsinubayim obdeich kachovim bi'irbuvya.
Immediately, all of the idol worshippers gather and come in disarray. Shenemar, as the verse states, kolagayim niskaptsu yachtov. All of the nations gather together, and this is a verse in Isaiah Omrule makodeshporchu alti konzulifanim bi'irbuvya. God says whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I need order here On attacking the doors of God's holy kingdom. Relax, one nation at a time. Elo tikones kol'uma v'uma. Rather, let each nation come enter v'sofreha with its scholars. Shenemar, as the verse states, v'yaosvulu'umim, as it states, and the li'umim, the nations assembled, ve'in lo'ome lamachus. And the term lo'um means nothing other than a kingdom. Each kingdom will come. Each power in the world will come in front of God and demonstrate what they did with God's Torah. Because again, what is the Torah? We talked about this recently in our Bible Crash Course. We just released the first episode of the Bible Crash Course.
What is the purpose of the Torah? Why was the Torah given? Why did God write the Torah and give the Torah to His people? God wrote it as a manual for living. You want to understand the secrets of this world? Is the Torah? God has a book. It's right over here, bestseller Amazon number one the Torah.
The Torah tells you exactly what the manufacturer, creator of Heaven and Earth, god Himself, tells us is the rule book for how to live your life. There's no secrets. It's right out there in the open. God tells you what he likes and he tells you what he dislikes. There's no rhyme or reason for us to be second guessing. God says very clearly exactly what to do. So now the nations of the world see this Torah. Everyone has access to this. Anyone who has an account on Amazon, anybody who can walk into a Barnes and Noble or any bookstore any place in the world. You have a Bible, you have a Torah. So the nations of the world are going to come now and try to persuade God that they indeed fulfilled God's Torah.
The Gomorrah interrupts the narrative to ask come on, you're telling me that there was this whole commotion? Everyone is trying to enter into God's room, so to speak, to give their case. There's no Balagan, there's no mess by in front of God, there's no disorderly fashion. The Gomorrah says Eloci heihei de loyle irbuv la arbuvein hu ba'a de adadi.
Rather, the reason that God directs the idolaters to organize themselves into individual nations is so that they should not become intermingled with one another Dili shmu maide amr alahu, in order that they will not be able to hear and respond to that which God is telling them. Meaning, if it's one nation, which is very important for us to understand. When we stand as individuals, when time is up and we check in our soul back to God and our body gets buried here in this world, our soul is an eternal soul. God says okay, what did you do? The same idea is true that every person will stand in front of God as an individual. You're not gonna be standing with all your buddies. Well, we all? No, no, no, does not we all? God's not gonna say, oh well, y'all have to know that there's none of that. It's going to be each individual, same thing with the nations. Each nation will stand in front of God alone and make their case and God will respond to them Appropriately to each nation. But God doesn't want one nation listening to what the other nation, and each one for a number of reasons. Number one is that they shouldn't be embarrassed because they're gonna be humiliated, and God doesn't want his creations to be humiliated in front of one another. That's number one. There's another thing is that, for Basic, you know tactic. You don't want someone else to hear the arguments, right, you keep each, each defendant in a different room and that way they don't hear the arguments of the other case.
So the Gamorah returns to the narrative. The ad Nichnasah, lefon of Malchus, rome, etc. The first nation that immediately came in was the Roman Empire comes in as the first nation to be admitted before God. The Gamorah explains why the Romans merited this distinction. What, what did the Romans do? My time, what is the reason that the Romans are the first nation to be admitted? Mishum D'hashiva? Because it is the most prestigious nation. Woman on the Hashi, and from where do we know that they are the most prestigious D'hashiva? Vaatechul Kolaaro Vittu Vittu Tshinei Vatatkinei.
It is written in the verse in Daniel, chapter 7 it will devour the entire earth and trample and crumble it. This is referring to the, to the Romans, rabbi Yochanan. Rabbi Yochanan said, regarding this verse, zoromi Chayevas. This is referring to the wicked Roman Empire, she Tiva Yotsa, bechola olam, whose influence has spread throughout the entire world. The influence of the Romans has Taken over the world.
When we're no longer Demand the Hosh of I'll be rations, from where do we know that the most prestigious goes first in judgment? Can there have he's done because we learned from of his, the dhomur of his, or because I said Malach vitzibur, if the king and his community are awaiting trial, milk nice to heal a bad in. The king goes in first for judgment. Shenema lasso smish, but of dough and misch, but ammo you throw, as it is stated, to do the judgment of his servant and the Judgment of his people, israel. So we see the time in my.
And what is the reason that the king is given priority? He buy a little e by a same off. If you prefer to say love, or a car or a massive Malcolm, ab ab re. It is not Appropriate, it's not proper conduct to make the king wait out in the corridor outside and have others Be inside for proceedings while he's waiting. V by a same. And if you prefer to say, you can also explain, mikami, the leaf was charoin off.
It is preferable to admit the king first so that the trial can take place before God's anger increases and gets Worse and worse due to the sins of the public who were judged previously. So you first start with the king and then you deal with the, with the, with the rest of the people. Okay, so now we know that we start with the Romans. So now what's the actual proceeding going to going to look like? Having explained that the Romans are admitted first, the Gamora returns to its narrative, omar lemma Kodishbor, who the Almighty said to the Romans? He's going to say this is going to be just like. Okay, do those of you who are watching this thinking Thomas broadcast? I just want you to know. You can tell this to the nations of the world. All right, this is what's going to happen. They're going to say one second, were you at the Hague? You're? You had representation there. Okay, this is the question here. Okay, the holy one, blessed it is. He Will say to the Romans be my a socked him.
What did you guys involve yourselves with Omar Lafon of? They respond to the Almighty Master of the universe your bonus. Hello, mom, harbash, fucking tikaninu. We established many marketplaces. Harbem a hat's also seen. We made many bathhouses. Harbe Kessar was over me. We am asked much golden silver. Vichul am law seen a lobishfully Israel and all of them. We only did it for the sake of the Jews.
Kedeshis ask about Torah so that they can involve themselves in the study of Torah. Omar LaHem a Kodishbor who the Almighty, says excuse me, show Tim Sheba Olam, fools of the world, come a shea system with Torah hats, mechema system. Everything that you say you've done for the Jewish people, you did it only for yourself. Tikan them, shvokim la hoshiv behind zonos you established the marketplaces to quarter prostitutes in them. Mara hazos la adin behind mazmachem bathhouses to luxuriate yourselves in them. Kessar is of the golden, the silver. Shaliyu, that belongs to me anyway. Shenem are li ha Kessar, the li Azor of nooma, shem tzvokos.
As the verse states, mine is the silver and the gold, says the shem, master of legions. Kulum yeishpohem ma giddzos ha shem, asks them. Are there among you those who disseminate this, the Torah that I'm holding right here, that are in my arms? Anybody, shenem are me? Bochem Ya Giddzos, who among you will declare this? And every time it says this, where's the word this appear, we say visoos ha Torah. And this is the Torah the Talmud says. Anytime you see the word Zeus, it's referring to the Torah Miyaad yotsu beprhe nefesh.
Upon hearing this, the Romans immediately leave in total despair. So the nations are going to be asked what did you do to help the Jewish people? What did you do to help the juice? Oh, we built the Brooklyn Bridge so that the Jews can can travel from Brooklyn to Manhattan. You built it for the Jews, really built it for the Jews. Everyone knows that that's a joke. They're gonna be held accountable for that. Let's see.
The next nation comes in Yotsu, malchus, romy. The Roman Empire goes out and the Persian Empire enters after her. We need some alchus para Sakhar El, my timer. What is the reason that the Persian Empire is admitted next to her? She was basura, because they're the most prestigious Empire after the Romans. And when, all in, how do we know this?
The Xiva are who have a chalet, and you know, tinyano, damia Ladov. And behold another beast, a second one similar to a beer. The tone of your severe new Yosef says a little parsing. These are the Persians show, clean the show, some kadov who eat and drink like a beer. And musubal in boss are kadov and are thickly coated with flesh like a beer. We'll make God Lynn say our kadov and grow there here like a beer, the a la hen menucha kadov. And likewise they don't have ever they don't have rest like a beer, like a beer. So they have many comparisons of this per Persian Empire. They're never the they, their tendencies are like a beer.
So the Gamora returns to the Persian trial. I'm a little bit more who the Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, says to them but my a saktim, with what did you involve yourselves? Omar Milafonov, master of the universe, your bonus shall all of Harbeek shawram gasharnu. We have constructed many bridges. Harbeek Krachim kovash.
No, we conquered many cities, harbeek, harbeek shawram. We waged many defensive wars, the koolam and all of these Loa Sino el-Abishvili, yisro. We only did them for the sake of the Jews. Kdei she is, ask about Torah, so that they can involve themselves in Torah study. That's why we did it.
Omar Lahem Akodeshpor, who Hashem says Really, call my shot, saktim, with sort at some a chemist system. Whatever you did, you did for your own sake, to count them charm. You constructed bridges, leto mehem eches, to collect taxes Tolls. That's why you did it, didn't do it so that the Jews can can learn. Torah Krachim. You conquered cities, lasso, behem and garye In order to press their inhabitants and livestock into the service of the king Mulchamos, and you waged wars.
I'm not a CC. I, in fact, am the one who has waged the wars. I'm not a CC. Shenemar. Hashem is more homo, as the verse states, hashem is the master of war. We have that in this week's parasha, this week's Torah portion. We say Hashem is more homo. She was the one who wages war.
Kloom yeishbukhem agidzos. Are there among you those who disseminate this Torah, this Torah that I'm holding in my hand? Shinem, are me? Bohem ya agidzos, beinzos al Torah, be'ad Yotsu Milifanov be'pchenefesh. Immediately the Persians leave from before God's presence in total despair. We're not done yet.
You understand what's going on here. Does it make a little bit more sense? What's going on here? You think an innocent college student in some university Going and demonstrating against the Jewish people? You know what that does.
It is their own indictment. When they're gonna come later on and say, oh, we want that to help the Jewish people, god is gonna pull up that video. And what do you say about this? And when the nations of the world come and say what do you mean? We help the Jews, we were allies, but we stabbed them in the back. God's gonna show that Really, you did it for yourself. We did it for, for the Jewish people. Who did you do it for?
This is the indictment not of Israel. This is the indictment of the nations of the world who didn't stand up for Israel. You have this in the UN on a daily basis and we said last week the UN should burn to the ground. The world will be a better place without it. The Hague should burn to the ground as well, because this is where a bunch of anti-Semites come and unite to disparage, to humiliate and to aggravate Hashem's chosen people.
Now, hashem's chosen people is not a racist statement. It's a statement of responsibility. We don't say it to gloat. We don't say oh, we're Jewish people and Now you should know. On the contrary, as a Jewish people were obligated to what? To 613 commandments in the Torah were obligated. The nations of the world have a perfect place in heaven with only seven commandments. That's it, the Jewish people. 613 commandments, we're obligated to more. It's not like a point of arrogance or whoa, we're, we're chosen, and we know. On the contrary, we're chosen, we have to bow our heads and get to work. We have so much more to do, we're obligated to so much more.
But the nations of the world who don't stand with the Jewish people are gonna have a terrible judgment to come, and and this is their indictment that they're placing on themselves when they vote against Israel, when they vote against the Jewish people what they're doing is it's damning to them, because the day of judgment will come, where every nation will stand in front of the Almighty and they're gonna have to answer for themselves and they're not gonna be able to say well, it was our politicians, it was our none. No, they're gonna bring all the wise people, their advisors. They're all gonna be standing there like a little, you know, puppets, like a bunch of little Carl Rhoves, you know, standing there, and what are they gonna say for themselves? What are they gonna say for themselves? It happens to be, it happens to be that there's never, ever, ever been a nation that has been good to the Jewish people like the United States of America, which is what our sages of modern day call the kingdom of kindness, which is why many of our rabbis, on Independence Day, will wave the flag in front of their homes and celebrate many of the American holidays to show our gratitude and appreciation for the unbelievable kindness that the American people have showed for the Jewish people, the fact that we can sit here and study Torah uninterrupted and have an entire Country that has religious freedom. You can open up a synagogue in your home, no one's gonna bother you. It's not like in the times in the Spanish Inquisition you let Shabbos candles Friday night, you were shot dead. If you didn't accept the cross, if you didn't Serve their idols, you were put to death. You were, you were, you were murdered on a stake in the in the square. America. The Jewish people come here and they're allowed to serve their God, they're allowed to practice their religion, they're allowed to give their boys a bris on their eighth day, except in San Francisco, and they are allowed to have a bar mitzvah and they're allowed to sit and learn Torah. And this is an Unbelievable gift that we have to recognize this every single day, that the reward, that the United States will be rewarded at the end of time For the good things they've allowed us to do here.
Yet a question Israel has been saying it since October 7th, since Simhastora, the. The Israeli people are saying that we have footage of Unra, the United Nations relief, whatever your relief agency were members of Hamas. Not only that, the Israelis found papers of In the homes of professors, where the Hamas sent them letters, and to their universities, that they are suspended from their task of being professors in university to serve in Hamas. So the professors, the teachers, the preschool teachers, by the way they found in the preschools, under the kids, cribs, in nurseries, rockets, rpgs, guns, kalashnikov's. I mean, what world are we living in? The problem is, I'll tell you why. You can't believe that UN members would be involved with this. Because you think UN is good. United Nations is a garbage organization. It always was.
I'm sorry to get this class to become a political thing, but it's not political. These are facts. The UN has not done a single good thing since its creation, since its establishment. Every day they're condemning Israel. Every day they're inditing themselves. They're inditing themselves. And there are good French people, there are good British people, there are good German people, there are good Russians, there are good Indians, there are good Chinese, there are good. But the representatives who are representing their countries Are our perverting and Causing their entire nation to be seen as a negative force. All right. So the Talmud now continues.
But once the Persian Empire saw that the arguments of the Roman Empire helped them not one bit, my time, oh I'll I'll why did they even enter to plead their case before God when they essentially presented the very same argument that the Romans had made? The Gamara answers? I'm Ray, because the Persians said to themselves Anhu Sosri based Hamidosh. They, the Romans, they actually destroyed the Jewish holy temple in Jerusalem, anon by Nenon, whereas we, the Persians, we helped construct it. So therefore, right after the time of Mordechai, mordechai and Esther and a hash veros, right, they helped the Jewish people go back and rebuild the second temple. So in a way, they're saying is like they destroyed the temple, we helped build it and therefore the case is going to be different for us.
So now the Talmud continues to talk about the trials of the other nations. Well, I'm Lachal Uma, and the same will transpire for each and every nation. Each will argue that they should merit reward because of the temporal achievements From which Israel also derived benefit, and their claims will all be denied. The Gamora acts asks Vichy mea charduchosu le kamoi, deloy mehani, deloy meedy. But once the other nations have seen that the rationalizations provided by the previous nation helped nothing. My time ailey. Why would they continue to make their case? You saw one nation after another nation in their 70 nations, one nation after another. They're each going in defeat. So why does number 12 decide to walk in, or number 13 or 14? It just gonna be the next. The next, though, nation to fall, meaning they all gave their claims in front of the Almighty and all of them walked out in embarrassment.
The Gamora answers Savri Hanukh li shtabdeh buhu yisroh. They think to themselves. These other nations subjugated the Jews by 9 law, shabbat, nabisroh, right, whereas we did not subjugate the Jews, we didn't make them suffer, all right, there were never Jews in In Uganda. They were actually were right in the in Tebe, right, but, and they weren't too nice to the Jews there. But imagine, the nations are gonna say well, we were, we were just standing on the sidelines, we didn't, we didn't bother it. He like you imagine either Jews in Romania, do you actually had Jews in Romania? You had Jews in most of the nations, but the Netherlands, you know like what Jews live in the Netherlands? And I was gonna say what do we have to do with this whole mess? It's like we were just bystanders.
So the Gamora asks my shnohani the Hashivi what is unique about, though, these first two nations, the Persians and the Romans that are mentioned by name? Well, my shnohani the lawyer, hashivi Lou, and why are the other nations? It just has an. Every nation a nation. It doesn't say the story of each nation and their arguments. Why doesn't it? Why does it only single out the Persians and and the Romans? By the way, you know what stands in Rome. Now, right, everybody knows what stands in Rome the Catholic Church. Exactly. Okay, by the way, I know that the Nazis were terrible to the Jews. I know that Jews were murdered in many of the Arab countries, but no one killed more Jews than the Christians, nobody. The Church killed more Jews than all the nations in the world combined. There's more blood on their hands than any other nation, so it's fitting for them to be the first.
All right, so now the Gomorrah continues. The Gomorrah answers why aren't the nations of the Shom Dahanoch Mosheb amachusayu ad-d'isemeshicha, for these regimes, the Roman and the Persian empires will endure until the arrival of a Messiah. So these are nations that are going to be around for a while. They still are around. We see that the. You have the Vatican, right, which is now its own country, but it's right in Rome, and you have the Persian Empire, which is all of the Arab nations are all part of that. They're all look at the hand of Iran. Iran is Persia, right. They're controlling Iraq, they're controlling Syria and they're controlling Lebanon and they're controlling Gaza and they're controlling Yemen and they're controlling Qatar and they're controlling all of these nations against Israel. So it's not like it's just. Oh, the poor little Iranians in Tehran, like you know, they're like innocent people. No, they okay.
So the nations will attempt to defend themselves against God's charge that they did not involve themselves in Torah. Omrim Lofano, they all say in front of Hashem, in front of God, creator of Heaven and Earth, every bonus shall all the master of the universe, klum nosat alonu v'lay kiblanu kibal nuha. Did you even offer us the Torah and did we refuse to accept it? No, it was never even presented to us in the first place. Now we all know, because we're all smart and we've learned this many times, right. The Gamorah argues that this cannot be their defense, since the Gentiles were in fact offered the Torah. And now you'll know the source for it Umim matzi, lemem ar-haqi. But can the nations really say this, that they did not get offered the Torah?
Veak si veyom ar-ashem misinay baviz ark misayu lamay. It is written in Deuteronomy 33, verse 2. He said, hashem came from Sinai, having shown forth to them from Sayyid, having appeared from Mount Paran. Veak si veyom al-Kami teman ba. And it is also written that God came from the south. My boy Bessir, and what did Hashem have in Sayyid? Well, my boy Bessir, and what did God have in Paran? What was God doing in all those places, so to speak? God's everywhere, obviously. So what was God? It says that God was coming from these places.
Amir abiyochanan. Abiyochanan tells us, teaches us melamechir zira kon ishbor chual kol umav al-ashon. The verse teaches us that the Almighty Himself brought the Torah around to every nation and language, veelokim lua, and they did not receive and did not accept the Torah, a'chabay tzu yisrovi kiblua, until God came to the Jewish people and they accepted it. Eventually, the other nations were offered the Torah. We know this from the Medrish that we discussed many times, that we're going to put it in modern day terms Every nation. By the way, this is not modern day. This is a fact.
Every nation had a prophet. Every one of the seven nations had a prophet, and every one of those prophets got a memo in their inbox. One morning they come to their office and they open up the memo and the prophet sees one second titled from God. It says do you want my book, do you want my manual for living? And everyone's like oh well, maybe what is it saying it? And each nation finds out what it says in it. This one says oh, you should not covet your neighbor's wife. Not for me. You should not steal not for me. You shall not murder not for me. You should study my Torah all day and all night, not for me. Each one is like this is not for me. It is like no way, I don't want that book, I don't want that thing.
So they didn't accept it, elo. So the Gomorrah asks, rather, they will say thus Klum kibal nuha, velokiam nuha. Did we accept the Torah and then fail to observe its precepts? No, we never accepted the Torah in the first place and therefore we're not obligated to observe it. If we accepted it and neglected it, okay, that's one thing, but we never accepted it. So why should we have to observe it? It's not our Torah, the Jewish people's Torah. Let the Jewish people. They accepted it. Let them keep it. Why do we need to keep it? It's not our Torah.
The Gomorrah argues that this cannot be their defense, since it is an inherent condemnation, the Aldo te Bartoyn. But in this very contention lies their refutation. For God will tell them, am I like kibal tuha? Why then didn't you accept it? That's the problem. Why didn't you accept the Torah in the first place? So the Gomorrah concedes this point and therefore suggests that they will submit a different defense. What are they going to say now? So they're not going to say, well, well, we didn't accept it. Therefore, you can't say well, what's?
The argument of ignorance Doesn't work in court. You can't say I was speeding at 160 miles an hour, I didn't know that there was a law that you have to follow the speed limit. Your ignorance isn't an innocence. Ignorance isn't innocence. So that's the first thing. So they say you know what? We're not going to really take that defense. We're going to go a different angle. This is what the nations of the world are going to say in defense.
So bonas shalom, master of the universe, kloom kophis olayno har kegiges. You know that the Jewish people receive the Torah twice. Anybody remember this? So the first time the Jewish people were at Mount Sinai and they received the Torah, they're like, ah, we got it. But then Hashem put the mountain on top of the people. Remember that Kegiges Like a pot. It's like a pot, god says. Basically, either accept the rest of the Torah, the oral Torah, or I just drop it on you and you're done and nobody will know you. This ever happened. So the Jewish people. And then later on, when the Jewish people had the miracle of Purim, that's when they accepted the Torah, again out of love, not out of so. Now the nations are the same.
Well, you never forced us into it. You never forced us into it. That's why we didn't accept the Torah One second. Let me just finish this. Well, keep it low. And therefore we never really refused it. We, just like you, never forced us into it. Kamosha sisi usrol, just as you did for the Jewish people, that you coerced them to accept it. Dixiv a'is'yatsvubetachtesahar. And they stood at the foot, literally at the bottom of the mountain, meaning the mountain was right on top of them, where God says either accept it all or I drop it and goodbye. So Omar Ab'dimi Barchama said malami tchakafakotushborchuharki gigis al-Yisrael.
Jesus teaches that Hashem placed, tipped the mountain and positioned it over the Jews, as though like an overturned vat. The Amr al-Ami said If you accept the Torah, then great, all as well, but if not, shom teheik furaschem, this will be your burial place. Had you coerced us, the nations say, into receiving the Torah, as you did the Jews, we too would have observed as precepts. It is unfair to reward only the Jews for observing the Torah and Mitzvot, when we would have acted just as they did had you coerced us to accept the Torah. Mi'ad omra alohem akodeshborchu.
Immediately, hashem says Harishonos yashmi'unu, your level of commitment to the first set of commandments, the seven precepts of the Nohachai'i Code, the seven Nohachai'i laws, will inform us whether you indeed would have observed the Torah that I coerced upon them Meaning. Let's see if you kept the seven Nohachai'i laws. If you kept the seven Nohachai'i laws so diligently, then we could talk about the rest of it, because the Nohachai'i laws are not only for those who receive the Torah. Seven Nohachai'i laws are for all the nations of the world, only seven commandments, and that's it. So if you observe those seven properly, then you have an argument, then we can talk. But if you didn't observe those seven commandments, then what? You don't even have an argument. The first ones will inform us about your commitment. So let's look the seven Nohachai'i laws, these precepts that you did accept upon yourselves. Have you observed them? No, you have not, and you likewise would not have observed the Torah's commandments If you didn't accept those seven properly, you didn't perform them properly. 613 would have done the magic trick.
Okay, the Gamora asks Summonola and Deluk, kiamum. And from where do we know that the Gentiles did not observe them? So the Gamora answers Vittonir of Yoseph, from Yoseph, taught the following Brayzo, o'mad ve'yimoded erets ra'o v'yat ergo'im. He stood and measured out the land. He saw and dispersed the nations Mai ra'o. What did God see? That he dispersed the nations Ra'o sheva mitzvos, shekiblu ale'in bine'nach v'lo kiamum. He saw the seven commandments that the descendants of Noah had accepted upon themselves, but they did not observe them. Kiamum, since he did not observe them, o'mad ve'yitiru le'em, he stood and released the commandments from them. They are no longer obligated to heed the Noahide laws altogether.
The Gamora asks and wonder Vittgure itgur, have they then benefited by their indiscretions? So they, it's like so you're saying you don't. You didn't pay taxes, so now we're just gonna cancel the taxes. What do you mean? That's not the way it works. No, we're gonna come after you. Oh, you broke the law, it's fine. The law doesn't apply to you, he says O'mad ve'yitiru le'em, so they are no longer obligated to. The Gamora asks Is that the way it works? That if you don't observe something, we just throw it out In Cane, motsinuchot and Nisgar? In that case we see that a sinner benefits from sinning. He benefits from his transgression. So the Gamora explains the Brisa statement O'mad ve'yitiru le'em, o'mad explains in the name of Reveno. Now we turn to 3a on the top. This is what the Brisa means to say Sh'afal pi'i, sh'i'yamin, sh'i'yamin O'ison.
God decreed that even if the descendants of Noah fulfill the commandments A'in Mecablan, ale'en S'achar, they do not receive reward for obeying them. Meaning it's the basic function of the world Is that you have to have laws. We have court system today. That's a Nauchai law. That's one of the Nauchai laws. That you don't have adultery. It's a Nauchai law that you kill an animal before eating it. You don't chop off its leg and throw it on the grill. That's a Nauchai law. These are basic things that the world needs to exist. But it's not like you're getting some major reward, like you did, some massive commitment. You got a question.
It might be a surprise to some, but the Jewish people didn't actually speak Hebrew. It was called the holy tongue, the holy language. No, aramaic is not. Aramaic is not. Aramaic is like a Persian blend. It was what they spoke in Babylon. That was the language they spoke in Babylon, which is Iraq today. But the truth is the Torah. There are only what was it? Someone said there's 5,000 words in all of the Hebrew, all of the holy tongue, 5,000 words. In the modern Hebrew language there's over 20,000 words, 20,000 words. So it's like there are many words.
Today I listen to Israeli radio all the time. I listen in Hebrew, I hear what's going on. I am involved with understanding not only the culture but the politics, all of what the underbelly of the Israeli culture and society and politics and world. So I would say that a good 30% of their vocabulary is American words, israelified. It was the language of holiness, it was the Holy Tongue, which is the biblical Hebrew, which is very different than modern-day Hebrew.
I mean, what they've done is you know Ben Svi, the founder of the Hebrew language, or the? You know the one who's at least modernized? It took the foundation of the Torah's Hebrew and then made it into its own language. But it's really not. It's not the same language.
You don't have words like electricity is Hashemar, but that's not. It's a word that's taken out of the prophets, referring to the, to the heavenly realms, okay, forces of the, and they use that to define electricity, okay. So there's different types of Christians like that. There are some who believe that only when the Jewish people are back in their land will their JC come as the Messiah. There are some who think that. There are some who are just benevolent and kind and believe that they won't get their reward if they don't take care of the Jews properly Not nothing to do with their Messiah coming, nothing to do with so and there there are dozens and dozens of variations of that or those ideologies.
But here's the bottom line. Remember what the Talmud here says what did you do to assist the Jewish people in learning Torah? And I can tell you I met with Pastor Hage from Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and I was in his place over there. I met with him and he is a person who's genuinely concerned about helping the Jewish people for the sake of the Jewish people, and he gives millions of dollars a year to Jewish institutions that are furthering the Jewish cause. Millions, it's not like you know, it's just like, okay, $10,000. Like you're talking. Millions of dollars to Israel for causes of advancing Jewish life, including Aliyah, helping Jews return to Israel, including organizations of medical assistance, institutions of Torah study. It really is incredible what he's been able to do to be an example of how the nations of the world should act as responsible stewards in this world.
You have resources. Well, what are your priorities? Are your priority? Is your priority God and His people, or is your priority amassing your own wealth for yourself, building your bridges, building your marketplaces, you know, building all of your infrastructure for yourself? And many places like River Oaks here in Houston, which was no Jews were allowed, no Jews, blacks and dogs.
It is sickening. It is sickening, there's no question it's sickening, and you see the double standard of how they cry foul for anything that goes on. I remember there was a certain president in the United States who built a wall, who talked about building a wall in the southern border to protect from an invasion of our borders. And the Pope, the big hachem, the big wise, right, exactly, big clever man. What did he say he condemned him, as this is a hateful thing, one second. But to have 1200 people slaughtered, burnt in ovens, literally on Simchastora not a word of condemnation, not nothing, nothing, nothing, not a word Like literally chopping off people's heads, it's just, it's unfathomable that the world is silent on such a thing. It's unfathomable.
Yes, I want to just summarize because it's getting a little late. Everyone has Shabbos to prepare. We're going to continue here next week. We're going to continue this Talmud, talking about this exact topic here. But I think it's important for us to realize that no one's going to have a free ride. It's not going to be what you think, my dear friends. It's not going to be what you think. People think, the nations of the world think we can get away with it, you know, or we can just be quiet about it, or just like, stick to our corner. We're Canada, we're just like, leave us alone. No, no, no, no. By not standing up and defending Israel and just staying quiet, you're allowing it to happen.
So I urge all my friends out there, those who are not among the Jewish people you have an opportunity. It's an unbelievable opportunity for people to show and to declare their position. This is your chance. You have a chance. You have an opportunity. You can declare your position. We are here to protect God's people and to stand up for them and to defend them, and if we don't, we'll be held accountable. And this is what the Talmud that talks about it. God willing, next week we'll continue this. Yes, you have a question.
I agree that we should find every way possible to support all of those vendors who are supporting Israel. Show your support. But, on the reverse, there's actually a disgusting restaurant that opened up in Jordan called October 7th, and it's a way of celebrating Come, eat and drink and wine and dine in great joy for this. Terrible calamities, like imagine you had a restaurant called Nazi Germany or Treblinka, or like Auschwitz, auschwitz Delicatessen. You know what I'm saying? It's just, it really is repulsive.
And again, we're not the arbiters of justice. The Almighty, god, creator of heaven and earth, is and he will account for it, and I'm not questioning it for a second. I just urge each and every one of us to really take our responsibilities seriously, because we're also going to be held accountable. We're also going to be held accountable. The Almighty is going to say you one second, you're my chosen people. What does that really mean Like, have you done your job? And that's going to be a very difficult question for us to answer if we're not up to par.
So I urge each and every one of us to grow in every way that we can in connecting with God, in learning His Torah, in observing His Torah to the greatest of our ability and to hopefully share that with the world, because that is the number one obligation we have is to bring God into this world so that every could be palpable for everyone, so that everybody can say he nailed a canuzet. This right here we can see it, it's clear in front of our eyes that the Almighty is here, because the name of God is displayed upon you, that when I look at God's people, the nations of the world should say I see godliness on them and that should be our blessing every day to be representatives, to be ambassadors of the Almighty on His earth. Amen, gochabos.
49:02 - Intro (Announcement)
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